How Banks Create Money

If you want to check out how The Federal Reserve really operates, you can get that information from the "horse's mouth." Check out these links at The Fed.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
The site for the Board of Governors provides a plethora of information. Be very careful of all information gleaned from this site—particularly the statement on their logo. Beyond the part that ends, "the central bank of the United States," don't believe : "The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system." (Not safe, too flexible, and certainly not stable.)
The Federal Reserve System Purposes & Functions
This propaganda piece does give some good information about how they function.
Federal Reserve System: Reserve Maintenance Manual (PDF)
If you enjoy getting in the weeds, this manual tells banks how to report and maintain reserve balances.
Reserve Requirements: History, Current Practice, and Potential Reform
by Joshua N. Feinman, of the Board's Division of Monetary Affairs, Federal Reserve Bulletin, June 1993. A rare definitive study of bank reserve requirements.
I have also provides an outline of this presentation.