Money Matters Presentation
Inflation (Increasing Money Supply)

Shoe Production Increases

Shoe Productivity Increases 2.00%/Month
Wheat Productivity Fixed 0.00%/Month
Money Supply Increases 0.50%/Month

In this scenario shoe productivity increases (as in all scenarios) while the money supply increases by 0.5% per month (or 6% per annum).

Money Matters

Because shoe productivity increases, shoe sales increase, as you would expect. Shoe dollar prices, however, rise when, based on production, you would expect them to decline. (Remember the fixed money supply scenario.) This gives evidence of the countervailing influence of the growth of money on dollar prices .

Dollar prices for wheat also give confusing signals. They rise while production remains flat.

After only two scenarios (fixed money supply and inflation) we begin to see the disruptive effects money growth has on dollar price signals.

Next, we look at the effects of deflation.