Logical Errors

Appeal to Ego

Logical Errors

Logical Fallacies

Faulty Arguments


Appeal to Ego

And the fallacy of appeal to ego, probably the most often used in advertising and the easiest to spot once you tune in your crap detector, uses a message that equates feelings of personal significance with doing whatever it urges, such as buying the product. Similar to the fallacy of snob appeal, it offers the hearer a positive self-evaluation in exchange for certain behavior. Many men buy products such as cigarettes that are promoted with a strong "macho" appeal. Many women buy products promoted with the idea that they will become more attractive to men and more socially acceptable. A classic magazine advertisement asked, "When should you buy your first Cadillac?"

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Map of Logical Errors

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Adapted from Albrecht, Karl. Brain Power. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980.