Logical Errors

Begging the Question

Logical Errors

Logical Dodges

Begging the Question

The ploy of begging the question, sometimes by means of circular reasoning, simply doesn't deal with the question at issue. The conclusion drawn from the premise is itself offered as proof of the premise. Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago offered the classic answer of this type when a news reporter asked why Hubert Humphrey failed to carry Illinois in the presidential election. Said Daley, "He didn't get enough votes."

Parent Topics:

Map of Logical Errors

I want to build a list of logical errors

I have a list of logical errors, but I'm always looking for more. I will post them as I get them ready.

Aristotle's Universe

Even Aristotle made errors in logic.

Adapted from Albrecht, Karl. Brain Power. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980.