How Banks Create Money
Summary of Figures

This summary of transactions shows the beginning and ending balances for The Banks and The Fed and the differences between those beginning and ending balances.

Transaction Summary—The Banks & The Fed

First, let's look at the transactions for The Banks.

The Banks
Beginning Balances Ending Balances
Assets Liabilities &
Assets Liabilities &
Gold 100,000 Gold (100,000)
Notes Notes 6,612,500 6,612,500
Securities 200,000 Securities 59,375 (140,625)
Reserves Reserves 940,625 940,625
Deposits Deposits 7,312,500 7,312,500
Capital   300,000 Capital   300,000
Total 300,000 300,000 Total 7,612,500 7,612,500 7,312,500


The Banks have, using the power of fractional reserve banking, expanded the supply of money from 100,000 M-oz. (in the form of Gold) to 7,312,500 M-oz. (in the form of deposit liabilities).

Starting with 100,000 M-oz. of their own gold plus 200,000 M-oz. of depositors gold, The Banks have, created 7,012,500 M-oz. of money out of thin air – simply by making ledger entries in their deposit liabilities.

The 300,000 M-oz. of gold from shareholders and depositors provided 300,000 M-oz. of reserves (M-oz. because The Banks could transfer that gold to depositors). In the end, The Banks owned 940,625 R-oz. of reserves (R-oz. because The Banks could not transfer their reserve accounts to bank depositors).

Next, let's see what The Fed contributed to this process.

The Fed
Beginning Balances
(Period 4)
Ending Balances
Assets Liabilities &
Assets Liabilities &
Gold Gold 300,000 300,000
Securities 100,000 Securities 740,625 640,625
940,625 Deposits
Capital   100,000 Capital   100,000
Total 100,000 100,000 Total 1,040,625 1,040,625 940,625


The Fed has helped this process along, but it has not (indeed, it could not have) forced it to happen. It confiscated The Banks' gold, expanded bank reserves (the new substitute for gold) by 640,625 R-oz. (940,625 R-oz. ending reserves less 300,000 M-oz. of gold confiscated), and lowered the required reserves from 40% to 5%.

The Banks created all the money, but The Fed facilitated the process by creating excess bank reserves, through its securities purchases, and by lowering the reserve required reserve ratio. In fact, by lowering the required reserve ratio to 5%, they turned most of their influence over to The Banks.