
I will post here information about recent changes and updates to this website. Regular readers will not need to scan the entire site for new stuff.

February 13, 2024

Yes, I thought, when I posted my last set of highlights, that I had finally decided on satisfactory navigation format. I was wrong.

After experimenting with the navigation format that I had designed, I came to the conclusion that it was not as user-friendly as I wanted be. I have made some new changes, and I plan to leave them there long enough to get some feedback.

These are the changes that I have made:

  • Subject Categories — I have posted links related to major categories that you will find in the drop-down menu.
  • Index & Contents — I have modified contents page that I had before. I have eliminated the synopses so the links will take you directly to the reference pages.
  • Commentary — This link remains the same. The drop-down menu contains links that take you to pages that explain the commentaries that I have posted on other sites.
  • About This Site — Still gives you information about this website.
  • Lexicon — Located on the top right-hand side of the page, this link takes you to the free market lexicon page.
  • The Free Market Center Journal — Also Located on the Top Right Hand Side of the Page, this link takes you directly to the free market center journal.

Changes will continue. This will update you to my most recent changes.

December 11, 2023

I have completed placing links to all pages in the Contents file. At the top you will find an alphabetic index. Next, I plan to create links between related files. I am also examining the practicality of creating a subject table of contents. I will let you know how that proceeds.

October 24, 2023

If you look over my previous highlights, you will see that it has been a long time since I have posted updates to this site. I have spent most of the last year organizing the production of The Free Market Center Journal.

Based on what I have learned in organizing my journal, I have decided to use a less hierarchical organization for this site. I met the beginning of this process so you will see a lot of changes if you return to this site over the next few months.

September 6, 2022

Like most websites updates happen perpetually on The Free Market Center. The updates to which I referred in my last highlight were not working as I expected. I decided to take down nearly all of the pages on the website and rebuild it from scratch. Some pages I will edit and repost, some I will rewrite and post, and some of the older pages I will eliminate.

I hope the changes will make the site easier to navigate and to read. I plan to work on three objectives over the next year:

  1. Simplicity and ease of navigation
  2. More precision in the use of language.
  3. More clarity in the explanations of logical arguments.

I will appreciate any comments that will assist me in these objectives. If you see something with which you disagree, say so; but make sure that you explain why.

December 2, 2021

I have been off working on other projects. After a rather long delay, I got back to reviewing this site. I found that pages did not appear as I wanted them to on smaller screens, so I had to do some site-wide changes. Also, I returned to the use of dropdown menus. I will soon work on content for The Free Market Center Journal, much of which I will use for draft content for this site.

June 22, 2021

The update continues. I have tried to simplify the navigation on this site and make it more compatible with other devices. Soon I will have the time to direct my attention back to content.

March 21, 2021

I have recently worked to update The Free Market Center Journal. Check it out... (in a separate tab)

January 23, 2020

I am currently in the process of making complete overhaul of this website. I wanted to be accessible from a wide variety of devices. In addition, I am working on adding new content and updating and editing existing content.

You may find broken links or incomplete pages. I ask your patience.