Hate Revisited

Hate represents a destructive mental force. Don't turn hate into action.

I am an 80-year-old, white-skinned male. That information adds little credibility to this publication except that I do have an informed perspective. (Also, if you don’t listen to people with those attributes, stop here.)

I lived during the following assassinations or attempts:

  • John Kennedy
  • Robert Kennedy
  • Martin Luther King
  • Malcolm X
  • George Wallace
  • Ronald Reagan
  • John Lennon
  • And more
  • I also saw:
  • The L.A. Riots
  • The Riots at the 1968 Democrat Convention
  • Shootings at Kent State

In spite of having lived through these events, I don’t recall sensing the widespread hatred that persists in this country today—hatred encouraged and spread by sources that should present more neutral viewpoints.

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump only brought to light, for a very brief time, the incredibly hateful rhetoric coming from multiple sources. In a previous post, I pointed out the prevalence of hate throughout the world. I think the time has come to name names. I will not quote the sources (you can look those up); just look at the people involved (and add your own).

I lay responsibility on Joe Biden, Congress, the media, and citizens.

Joe Biden

At the top of the list of people spewing hateful rhetoric, I place Joe Biden. In spite of his claims of being a uniter, instead of touting his record, his political speech has contained hateful references to Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. His new calls for unity come a little late.

Kamala Harris must come near the top of the list. She acts as Joe’s facilitator, Joe’s echo chamber.

Jill Biden and all the Biden administration cabinet members belong to the same hate-mongering administration, but the title “President” belongs to Joe Biden.

Members of Congress

All members of Congress have culpability for not shutting down the more vociferous purveyors of hate. If you belong to an organization, you bear some responsibility for all the members of the organization. Members of Congress do not represent an exception.

I have listed only a few who come to my mind.

  • Liz Cheney (former representative)
  • Maxine Waters
  • Representative Stephen Woodrow of Colorado
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Adam Schiff
  • Chuck Schumer
  • The Squad – Jointly and severally
  • The House January 6th Committee and its members deserve special mention.
  • Bennie Thompson.
  • Zoe Lofgren.
  • Adam Schiff.
  • Pete Aguilar.
  • Stephanie Murphy.
  • Jamie Raskin
  • Elaine Luria.

The Media

The First Amendment to the Constitution gives special mention to the press (aka the media). The current members of the media either do not know about that special recognition or violate that trust willfully.

I have made a short list of the individuals in the media who have engaged in false or hateful rhetoric. I have included some media executives for not taking responsibility and cleaning house.

  • Comcast (owner of NBC) CEO Bryan Roberts
  • Joy Reid
  • Lawrence O'Donnell
  • Bob Eigar of Disney
  • Joy Behar & The View crew
  • Rachel Maddow
  • CNN CEO Mark Thompson
  • Jim Acosta
  • Abbey Philips
  • Washington Post - Jennifer Rubin
  • Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski,


Although I have put Joe Biden at the top of the list, power ultimately resides in the hands of citizens. They have responsibility for placing the President and Congressmen in positions of influence. They also get the media to which they subscribe.

Citizens have supported and encouraged slogans that promoted hate, individual speakers and authors who dealt in hateful content, and teachers who willfully transmitted the propaganda of hate.


  • No justice; No peace.
  • Hands up. Don't shoot.
  • Critical Race Theory
  • College Rioters
  • Individuals

  • Ibram X. Kendi
  • Robin DiAngelo
  • Al Sharpton
  • And many, many more


As a group teachers have a wretched record. They have a responsibility to their students to speak out against lies and hateful speech. They should place their students above their jobs.


The future does not look too bright when colored by Hate.

But don’t respond to hate with hate. That’s been done before, and it only leads to trouble.

Only the citizens can solve the problem of the proliferation of hate. Throw Joe Biden and Kamala Harris out of office. Vote hateful legislators out of office. Cancel subscription to hate-filled publications. Cease watching purveyors of hate. Challenge or ignore the hateful language of fellow citizens.

Acting based on hate produces nothing of use. Devote your energy to creating things that improve your life and the lives of those around you.