A Structural Failure of Society

How the the country suffered a failure of its societal structure.

The Evidence

In only the last few days, the country has seen the conviction of a former President and Presidential candidate on a series of charges held together by questionable facts and shallow reasoning. This single evident falls into a disturbing pattern of events that have one common purpose: to deny citizens the ability the exercise their franchise to vote.

The evidence extends far beyond these singular events. People inside and outside of government have taken up the mantra of "save our Democracy" in a country originally formed as a Republic. We hear others chanting "no justice, no peace" revealing their faith in mob rule over trusting the judicial system.

More mobs at prestigious universities have shown us that reasoning no longer plays a role in schools. These "students" provide evidence of the growing power of propaganda in our society.

It would take many pages to recount the patterns of behavior that point out problems in our country. But why have these patterns emerged?

Systemic Structure

The structure of a system ultimately determines its performance.

Our solar system has operated for billions of years because of its structure. Water flows downhill because of the structure of that system. Some race cars perform better because of the superior structure of their system.

Usually, only a few elements determine the structure of systems. Only four forces determine the behavior of our entire universe. Three basic colors create thousands of color variations on a computer screen.

Human systems also operate based on a few basic elements. We call the combinations of these elements "mental models." These mental models determine the structure of our society.

The Breakdown of Our Societal Structure

The behaviors I cited in the first part of this article provide some evidence of an evolutionary change in the shared mental models of our society. We cannot see or measure those models. We can only surmise those models by applying reason to interpret the actions we view.

Those models have, however, been eroding for a long time.


Abraham Lincoln struck the first blow to federalism by declaring war on sovereign states and putting the union over states. The power of the federal government has grown since.

Personal Property

Congress and the states, in 1913, destroyed the idea of personal property by passing the income tax and establishing the Federal Reserve Systems. Respectively, they legalized property theft and institutionalized fractional reserve banking, a sophisticated form of counterfeiting.

Property Value

Using the propaganda tool of government schooling, people, for the most part, believe that faceless bureaucrats know the value of property better than the individual.

Separation of Powers

Politicians have long attempted to destroy the separation of powers established by the Constitution. They want to executive, legislative, and judicial branches to act in unison. Recent court cases have ripped off the veil, hiding the loss of independence in the judiciary.


I referred to these changes as evolutionary with intent. Unlike reversible adjustments and adaptations, evolutionary changes do not reverse. Only another new, long-term, irreversible -evolutionary  - change can replace the current systemic structure.

Does this mean that I think we have lost all hope as a society?

No, without elaborating, individuals in society need to take back personal responsibility and liberty. Make a new structure.