
The Free Market Center provides accurate and clear explanations of the actual structure and processes of free markets.

The intervention into free markets has grown for much more than a century. That intervention comes primarily from government, led by people who advocate socialist policies—i.e., redistribution of wealth and income.

The government interventions have been successful to a large degree because the advocates of free markets don’t fully understand the structure and processes of free markets. Misunderstandings about free markets occur for a couple of interrelated reasons:

  1. Flawed economic assumptions.
  2. Confusion caused by poor explanations of economic concepts.

Material based on well-founded reasoning does exist, but many even sound explanations become entirely too technical. The people who want to defend free markets require more precise, understandable explanations to counteract the simple — or simplistic — explanations of the interventionist alternatives.

The Free Market Center wishes to provide explanations that clarify some of the technical descriptions available on the Internet. I don’t intend to replace some of the well-developed arguments in favor of free markets. I only wish to provide explanations that people will find considerably more understandable.

Thus, for its purpose:

The Free Market Center provides accurate and clear explanations of the actual structure and processes of free markets.